It takes knowledge, smart work, and dedication to make great ideas come to life. I have been helping make great ideas happen for the past 4 years and am always ready for new challenges.
Programming Skills

Angular2 with TypeScript



Dependency injection (Ninject)

HTML5 / CSS3(Less/Sass)



SQL Server 2014 (2010, 2012)

SQL – Transact-SQL

ASP.NET Web Forms (1.1v , 2.0v , 4.5v)

ASP.NET MVC (Razor view engine, Entity Framework)

Read my latest posts

Quantum Super Computer Detects and Self-corrects its Errors
July 1, 2016
How would you feel when the one thing that separates humans from machines is drawn out. Feverish? Happy? Weird? Yes, this new generation quantum computer will do the irreversible. It has got conscien...Read More

14 Year-Old-Boy CEO Rejected $30 Million Offer For His “RecMed” Innovation
May 19, 2016
A 14 year-old precocious school boy from the us state of Alabama turned down a whopping $30 million buyout offer from a national healthcare company for his invention of vending machines that dispense ...Read More

Don’t laugh: Google’s Parsey McParseface is a serious IQ boost for computers
May 18, 2016
Google has just created possibly the world’s best computer program designed to understand the English language but this cutting-edge technology may just be the tip of the iceberg. A new theory c...Read More
Past courses
courses I’ve completed so far

Course Quality Code
In the course quality code will be introduced to the fundamental principles and practices for building high-quality software. The training focuses on the quality of the source code. Will master the basic practices for writing code quality, processing techniques bad code, writing code testvaem and automated testing of code using component tests.
(2015/06/17 – 2015-10-01)

Course JavaScript OOP
The course “JavaScript CMO” is part of the “Web Design and UI technologies” in “Academy of Telerik.” The training is focused on creating modular applications with JavaScript and structuring of programming code. Among the topics addressed in the course are still working with objects prototype object functions.
(15/06/2015 – 07/07/2015)

Course JavaScript Fundamentals
Part of the “Web Design and UI technologies” During the training you will learn the basics of working with language JavaScript – variables , operators, loops , arrays and functions.
(18/05/2015 – 08/06/2015)

Course CSS3 Styling
Students learn both the fundamentals and techniques to support different browsers and devices. Examine all possible styles CSS, starting with the styling of text (size, color and font ) and backgrounds and deepen in HTML layout elements and their positioning. Students learn Preprocessors or scripting programming languages CSS. Preprocessor reduces lines CSS, offer a variety of facilities for writing CSS code and reduce errors. The course “CSS styling ” will consider two types Preprocessors – LESS and SASS.
(27/04/2015 – 12/05/2015)

Course HTML5
Initial concepts for the web, such as browsers , web servers, client-server , development tools , HTML language and others. HTML is taught fundamentally an emphasis on proper writing HTML code and considered all the tags , links , headings , paragraphs, tables , forms , buttons, text fields , sliders , drop-down menus . With extensive HTML tutorials will build good idea of what is a web , how it works and how to work with it.
(15/04/2015 – 24/04/2015)

Course C # programming – Object-oriented programming
The principles of working with classes and objects , as well as more complex concepts such as abstraction , encapsulation , inheritance and polymorphism.
(10/03/2015 – 04/05/2015)

Course C # programming – Level II
Basic concepts of programming such as the use of arrays of processing lines and arrays of elements , algorithms on arrays and matrices , work methods (definition and call , using parameters) numbering systems and switch between them , work with objects from the standard library .net ( create objects and call methods and properties ) , error handling and exceptions handling , working with strings and text processing , algorithms for parsing text and use text files.
(05/02/2015 – 27/02/2015)

Course C # programming – Level I
Algoritmichnoto programming language C #, development environment Visual Studio, data types in programming , variables and work with them , program operators , arithmetic expressions , means of reading and writing console conditional control constructs (if, if-else and switch- case) and different types of loops (while, do-while, for, foreach)
(08/01/2015 – 30/01/2015)
Check out some of the projects I’ve worked over. For security reasons i can’t show my .NET sites, but i think you can love some of the CMS Systems.
“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.”
— Paul J. Meyer